Learn More About John Appleweed
Johnny Appleweed
John had a long and healthy career including some Federal and ADA knowledge, Cannabis growing and medical cannabis laws, photography laws, Condominium law “Davis-Stirling Act” Corporation law expert.
John is well verised in the extremely complex and specialized field of CID (common interest development) living and planned urban developments from 1977-2017 lived experience. I hold NAMI Peer mental illness counseling certification 10 week course to help those with mental illnesses. BIPOLAR, PTSD, Isolation, etc. Aid.
Experienced in citizenry, condominium, and common interest living, over 500 hours and ten years of training from the Condo Blue Book, CCHAL, CACM, CAI & ECHO and their bimonthly educational magazines from 2007-2017. The truth about HOA’s & Corporations. Elder abuse and bullying.

Tributing video to my mother Nancy Lee McErlain.
John provides a broad range of services that promote professionalism and help to solve the California community management industry’s most pressing needs.